MIR HOSHAAM BALOCH has appeared in CSS-2017 exams. He is waiting for the result. He is hopeful for a better result. He wants to serve Pakistan as a proud citizen. He wants to tell you that how you should attempt your paper correctly. If you are a CSS aspirant please keep his words in mind and start preparation accordingly. Here is what he has to instruct you.
Assalam o Alaikum, being a senior aspirant, I would like to share some of my experiences with all of you regarding CSS examination.firstly, keep your nerves under control while reading Question paper especially when it comes to Essay paper.Secondly, never ever ignore the importance of reading a newspaper on daily basis. Newspapers greatly help in preparing following subjects: Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, IR, and Essay.Thirdly, if you are an avid reader and have a general knowledge of politics, islamic history Islamic studies it will certainly help you in solving MCQs and quoting important information in your long questions.In addition to this, make your own notes to clear your concepts because at the end of the day it will be concepts that will help your pen to go non-stop.Remember, shorten your written notes when you start revision because it is very difficult to revise two lengthy subjects with no holiday gap.Last but not the least, the minimum required knowledge of medical as well as mathematics is compulsory to successfully tackle general science and ability.Best of luck and happy Baloch culture Day.
Thanks and best of luck: Mir Hosham
Regards; Team GSDNB